2 thoughts on “Snip20180208_3

  1. I knew some of this overall, but not in detail. I believe beyond the evil of these occultists filled with hatred for people that did and do make up our country. The signing giving the federal reserve ( neither federal or a reserve) gave up our country to lunatics ( “the elite “) ruling class enabling the final eventual take down of the US. They in plain words do not worship our God. The basis of all morality. The rulers of this world are directly tied to the “ god of this world “ it’s become painfully obvious that the top leaders of this world, do Not worship our God, but an extremely dark entity bent on the destruction of mankind ( except them) All the ideas and beliefs of people like Margaret Sanger ( just 1 ex.) are anti- life, having not 1 ounce of compassion. A broad view, but I believe a very true one. Detail would take a very large book(s) Thank you for revealing the details, some of which I lived through in grade school. No verbal prayer to God. Silent prayer… No saying God . 5th grade, none of us liked it, suddenly our freedom was taken. Move on 58 years. They have grown in number, power, and the extremism is foul . With foreign influence shaping our political process. Down now to obvious stealing of an election. They are danger ( immediate) to ALL our freedoms, very lives, to bring their 1 W. Gov at any cost; any way possible. We are living ( I truly) believe very close to the end of this world system. But, it will get worse and more restrictive, downright dangerous to actual life and limb. I can only pray we get a reprieve; now. This actually being a plan much bigger than the world elite system with many many moving parts is eventually Doomed to failure. Sadly after much destruction. My point of view as I hope you see is based in reality and the increasing speed at which this is happening. The second part is my knowledge of God’s Word, which has proven to be vert accurate on the socio- economic, geo political, the actual state people are living. Of course , I believe in God as Creator and eventual Judge of mankind. A loving God , yet with eventual Wrath for evil in all it’s forms. Lastly, I believe that without both points of reference, it’s very difficult to understand exactly what and why all of this is happening. Just my opinion….


  2. I knew some of this overall, but not in detail. I believe beyond the evil of these people filled with hatred for people that did and do make up our country. The signing giving the federal reserve ( neither federal or a reserve) gave up our country to lunatics ( “the elite “) ruling class enabling the final eventual take down of the US. They in plain words do not worship our God. The basis of all morality. The rulers of this world are directly tied to the the world system .“It’s become painfully obvious that the top leaders of this world, do Not worship our God, but an extremely dark entity bent on the destruction of mankind ( except them) All the ideas and beliefs of people like Margaret Sanger ( just 1 ex.) are anti- life, having not 1 ounce of compassion. A broad view, but I believe a very true one. Detail would take a very large book(s) Thank you for revealing the details, some of which I lived through in grade school. No verbal prayer to God. Silent prayer… No saying God . 5th grade, none of us liked it, suddenly our freedom was taken. Move on 58 years. They have grown in number, power, and the extremism is foul . With foreign influence shaping our political process. Down now to obvious shenanigans of an election. They are a danger ( immediate) to ALL our freedoms, very lives, to bring their 1 W. Gov at any cost; any way possible. We are living ( I truly) believe very close to the end of this world system. But, it will get worse and more restrictive, downright dangerous to actual life and limb. Exactly How could I have previously said anything if I posted this ONE TIME???????


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